Irish Election Literature

… what you maybe meant to keep…

A Manifesto for Young Ireland -Fine Gael 2004 -Includes an interesting “First Time Buyers” policy. September 20, 2010

From the 2004 Local and European Election Campaign a leaflet from Fine Gael entitled
“A Manifesto for Young Ireland” .
Included are a message from Enda Kenny and also “11 Reasons to Vote Fine Gael on June 11”.

Some of the eleven reasons are indicative of the time. The first one being First Time Buyers.
The First Time Buyer plans included a “Housing Deposit Scheme, similar to an SSIA, giving €1 for every €3 saved by first time buyers towards a deposit on a house“. there was also a promise to abolish stamp duty on second hand homes for first time buyers up to €400,000 and to “frontload mortgage interest relief“.

Other areas included Rip off Ireland, Insurance for Young Drivers, College Fees, Youth Suicide, Farming, Jobs and Public Transport.


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